MX Subversion Repositories

Here may be found the Subversion repositories for MX and its associated packages:


MX - Contains the MX server, MX autosave server, MX motor client, and utility programs such as mxget and mxput. It also contains a set of dynamically loaded modules that implement interfaces to proprietary vendor software.

Language Interfaces

MP - A Python API wrapper that exports most of MX's functionality. Currently supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.

MxTcl - A Tcl API wrapper for MX. It does not implement support for more recently added device classes, such as "area_detector".

MxIDL - A very limited IDL API wrapper for MX. At present, it only supports raw mxget and mxput commands as well as a subset of MX area detector functions.

GUI Programming

MpWx - Provides wxPython widgets for displaying and controlling MX network variables.

MpWxCa - Provides wxPython widgets for controlling EPICS PVs.

Graphical User Interfaces

Mpad - wxPython-based GUI for area detector control.

MpMca - wxPython-based GUI for multichannel analyzer control.

Utility Programs

Area Detector

Has been used as the primary hardware control system for Dexela/Aviex and RDI area detectors. The software for this can be found in the directory in the aviex_pccd, xineos_gige, radicon_taurus, and radicon_helios modules.
mp_ad_copy - Monitors a directory for the arrival of new image frames generated by an area detector and copies them to archival storage. (Not complete yet)

mx_ad_tools - A set of small programs for operating on files produced and used by MX-controlled area detectors.


mp_joystick - An interface for controlling MX motors via a Pygame-compatible joystick or gamepad.

External Control System Interfaces


MpCa - MX-compatible API wrapper for EPICS PVs.

Mx-based EPICS Channel Access Server - This server exports MX functionality to EPICS clients using EPICS PVs. It is implemented using the Channel Access Server library.


MX Blu-Ice Server - This server can act as a Blu-Ice DHS (device hardware) server. It also supports a subset of DCSS functionality.

MarCCD (now Rayonix)

MX MarCCD goniostat - This provides a MarCCD-compatible goniostat interface for MX.


MX documentation (as LaTeX source)

Last modified by on January 21, 2021.