[Mx-mailing-list] MX 1.4.0 is available

Bill Lavender lavender at agni.phys.iit.edu
Mon Jan 22 12:53:01 CST 2007

Versions 1.4.0 of MX, MP, and MxTcl are now available at the MX web site
from the download page


Please read the changelog below for the changes in this release.

**************** Changelog for MX version 1.4.0 ****************
Version 1.4.0 (01/15/07):
	This version of MX adds support for the new 'area_detector' and
	'video_input' driver classes.  The initial motivation for adding
	the new classes so that they could be used to implement drivers
	for the new PCCD-170170 CCD detector from Aviex LLC.  These new
	classes are likely to include new small changes in the near future
	since the driver development work for that detector is not yet 
	complete.  In addition, it is expected that the drivers in the old
	MX 'ccd' driver class will be migrated to the new 'area_detector'
	class at some point in the near future.

	As part of the CCD work, a new 'camera_link' interface class has been
	added to support communication with digital cameras and frame grabbers
	via the Camera Link interface standard.  The Camera Link standard
	is sponsored by the Automated Imaging Association.

	The new files 'mx_image.c' and 'mx_image.h' provide support for a
	variety of operations on 2-dimensional images and for sequences of
	such images.  The images are encapsulated in an MX_IMAGE_FRAME
	structure.  In the current version, the actual image data must be
	in an array local to the process.  However, future versions will 
	add support for image frames that are located in remote computers
	so that area detectors that never transfer the raw image data to
	the local process can be supported.

	Several new MX device drivers have been added:

	    Area detector drivers:
	        network_area_detector - This driver allows an MX client to
			communicate with an area detector controlled by a
			remote MX server.

		pccd_170170 - This driver is used to control a PCCD-170170
			CCD detector from Aviex LLC.  Not all features of
			this detector are supported yet.

		soft_area_detector - This driver is a software emulation
			of an area detector.  The driver depends on an
			underlying video input driver to generate the
			actual frame data.  This underlying driver can be
			either for a software emulated device or for a
			real frame grabber or imaging board.

	    Video input drivers:
		edt, edt_video_input - These drivers are used to control
			imaging boards from EDT, Inc. (http://www.edt.com/)
			using the EDTpdv drivers that are downloadable from
			http://www.edt.com/dvsoftware.html.  At present,
			the MX drivers are only partially complete and are
			not ready for use.

		epix_xclib, epix_xclib_video_input - These drivers are used
			to control imaging boards from EPIX, Inc.
			(http://www.epixinc.com/) using the XCLIB drivers
			that may be purchased for $495.  At present, the
			MX drivers are mostly complete and have successfully
			been used to read out image frames from a PIXCI E4
			frame grabber using PCI Express.

		network_vinput - This driver allows an MX client to 
			communicate with a video input device controlled by
			a remote MX server.

		soft_vinput - This driver is a software emulation of a
			video input card that can generate 8-bit greyscale,
			16-bit greyscale, or 24-bit RGB images.  The driver
			generates a sequence of 4 images that smoothly ramp
			from maximum intensity to minimum intensity.  Each
			of the four images has a maximum in a different
			corner of the image, which helps in verifying that
			the image transfer is working properly.

		v4l2_input - This driver reads out frames from any imaging
			board supported by the Linux Video4Linux2 driver.
			At present, only the RGB565 and YUYV image formats
			are supported.

	    Camera Link drivers:
	        epix_camera_link - This driver can be used to send and receive
			messages from a Camera Link controlled camera.

	    RS-232 drivers:
	    	camera_link_rs232 - This driver can be used to treat a
			Camera Link interface as if it were an RS-232
			interface.  The driver is intended to be used by
			RS-232 specific programs like 'mxserial'.

	MX client/server communication now uses dynamically resizeable
	buffers for network messages.  The buffers are now programmed to
	start at 1000 bytes and then increase their size as needed.  The
	primary motivation for this feature was to make it easy to pass
	very large arrays, such as those used by area detector images, in
	one network call.  The length of network buffers should now be
	limited only by the amount of memory available on the client and
	the server.

	A new early move feature has been added to MX step scans.  If the
	current MX database contains a variable record called 'scan_early_move'
	and the value of that variable is non-zero, then MX step scans will
	start the move to the next step position immediately after the
	counters stop counting for the current position.  This means that
	all input devices will be read out while the motor is moving to
	the next step position.
	The early move feature will only work correctly if all of the input
	devices for the scan latch their values at the end of the counting
	time.  Other input devices such as analog voltage or current inputs
	that do not latch or the motor position itself, will be recorded
	with a value taken at some point during the move to the next step
	position and not the value it had at the previous step.  Thus, one
	must be careful about using this feature.

	Another change made in support of the early move feature was the
	splitting of the old mx_measure_data() function into separate
	mx_acquire_data() and mx_readout_data() functions.  If you are
	writing a program to use the early move feature, then the 
	mx_acquire_data() function should be called before you start
	the next move and mx_readout_data() should be called after the
	move starts.

	If a scan has more than 4 input devices, 'modify scan' in the
	'motor' program now asks whether or not you want to make any
	changes to the list of input devices.  If the answer is 'no',
	then the list of input devices is copied as is into the new
	version of the scan.

	Support has been added for starting an MX client or server that
	does not get its record definitions from a disk file.  Instead,
	you can generate the ASCII record definitions in an in-memory
	array of strings and create the database by calling the function

	The 'win32' build target makefile now looks for the 'manifest' files
	that are created by Visual C++ 2005 and above.  If the makefile
	discovers that manifest files have been created, it invokes the
	Microsoft 'mt' utility to embed the contents of the manifest in
	the executable.  Embedding the manifest file in the executable makes
	it unnecessary to explicitly copy manifest files to the install
	location.  Some effort has been made in the makefile to ensure that
	the 'mt' program invoked is the Microsoft one and not the magnetic
	tape handling program from Cygwin.

	On Linux/Unix platforms, the mx_start_debugger() function now 
	attempts to start a GUI debugger such as DDD or the Sun Studio
	debugger.  If a known GUI debugger is not found, then it falls back
	to a Curses based debugger in a terminal window.  If that fails
	as well, it finally attempts to use gdb or dbx in a terminal

	Added a new MX build target called 'vms-gnv'.  The OpenVMS systems
	in the HP TestDrive program only support the version of 'make' 
	included with the GNV package (http://gnv.sourceforge.net/), so
	this new build target was added to work with that makefile system.
	However, the underlying compiler is still the HP compiler.

	On VMS, the mx_sleep() family of functions now makes sure that
	lib$wait() is told that the wait time passed is in LIB$K_IEEE_S
	format on Itanium and in LIB$K_VAX_F format on Alpha and Vax.

	mx_rs232_putline() has been modified so that if the underlying
	RS-232 driver does not have a putline() function, it next looks
	for a write() function before falling back to single character I/O.

	The source code for the mx_clock_ticks_per_second() function has
	been changed so that it first attempts to read the value from the
	function sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK), then reverts to the value of CLK_TCK
	if _SC_CLK_TCK is not defined, and finally reverts to the value
	of CLOCKS_PER_SECOND if CLK_TCK is not defined as well.  The reason
	for the change is that the XSI extension to POSIX apparently requires
	that CLOCKS_PER_SECOND have the value 1000000 on all compliant
	systems regardless of the actual number of clock ticks per second 
	used by the operating system.

	Previous versions of the 'icplus_voltage' driver used an incorrect
	':CONFx:VOLT?' command for setting the HV voltage rather than the
	correct ':CONFx:VOLT' form of the command, without a question mark
	on the end of it.  This bug has now been fixed.

	A bug has been fixed in the 'tracker_ainput' and 'tracker_aoutput'
	drivers for Data Track Tracker modules where originally only the
	first four characters were read in responses from the module.

	The 'motor' driver class now contains a new record field called
	'old_destination'.  This new field contains the requested destination
	for the move prior to the current move.

	The 'keithley428' driver now makes it possible to read out the
	version of the firmware loaded in the electrometer, by reading
	the value of the new 'firmware_version' record field.

	The 'pfcu' driver for XIA PF4 and PF2S2 filter and shutter controllers
	has been modified so that it uses the correct line terminators (0x0d)
	for commands sent to the controller.

	The old 'labpc_adc', 'labpc_dac', 'labpc_din', and 'labpc_dout'
	drivers for the LabPC+ DAQ card have been removed from MX.  The reason
	for this is that they relied on a third-party device driver that has
	not been updated since the Linux 2.0 days.  At some future date, we
	plan to add support for Comedi supported DAQ cards which will support
	the LabPC+ card and a wide variety of other cards.

	The array functions in libMx/mx_array.c no longer add an extra byte
	at the end of strings for the null terminator character.  For new
	versions of MX, if you want enough space for a null terminator, then
	make the string 1 byte longer to begin with.  This change was made
	to make strings in C code more compatible with the way Python handles

	A new header file called 'mx_poison.h' has been added.  The purpose
	of this header is to enforce a prohibition on the use of unsafe
	C runtime functions such as gets() and strcpy().  Currently, only
	part of MX is making use of this feature, but we plan to expand the
	use of this header to most of MX as time permits.  The current
	implementation makes use of the 'GCC poison' pragma, which means
	that it only works for code compiled with GCC 3 and later.

**************** Changelog for MP version 1.4.0 ****************
Version 1.4.0 (01/15/07):
	Three new classes have been added to MP to support the corresponding
	additions to MX:

	    Mp.AreaDetector - This class provides support to MP scripts
	    	for MX-controlled area detectors.

	    Mp.ImageFrame - This class provides a way of manipulating
	    	MX_IMAGE_FRAME structures from Python.

	    Mp.Net - This class provides a way for MP scripts to perform
	    	low level I/O with an MX server via the Mp.Net.get()
		and Mp.Net.put() methods.

	At present, no MP class for MX video inputs has been created.
	This will be added as time permits.

	A new module called MpNum has been added.  This module provides
	a single class called MpNum.Net which inherits from the Mp.Net
	class.  The difference is that MpNum.Net reads and writes
	NumPy arrays, while the base class Mp.Net uses Python lists
	and tuples.  The expectation is that MpNum.Net will normally
	be much faster than Mp.Net, but this expectation has not yet
	been tested with benchmarks.
	It is possible to configure the MP makefiles so that they do not
	attempt to compile MpNum.py on machines that do not have the
	'numpy' Python module.  However, even if the 'numpy' module is
	not available, the failure to compile MpNum.py will not cause
	the makefile to abort.

	Some test programs for the MpNum.Net class have been placed
	in the new subdirectory mp/net.  The main program is called
	'mpnet' while the other two programs 'mpget' and 'mpput' are
	symbolic links to 'mpnet'.  'mpget' and 'mpput' are intended
	to be similar to the 'mxget' and 'mxput' scripts from the
	MxTclNet package and may well replace them someday.  One issue
	that remains to be resolved is whether or not 'mpget' should
	display the array returned in NumPy style format or alternately
	in a flattened format such as is currently used by 'mxget'.

	A couple of new functions have been added to the Mp.py module:

	    Mp.start_c_debugger() - This function invokes the function
	    	called mx_start_debugger() in the underlying libMx

	    Mp.start_py_debugger() - This function starts the 'pydb'
	    	Python debugger.

	In some cases it is useful to actually start both debuggers, so
	that 'pydb' debugs the Python part of the code, while DDD or GDB
	debugs the C part of the code.  As far as I know, the order in
	which you start the two debuggers does not matter.

	It is now possible to compile a special version of MP that is
	compatible with the debugging version of Python.  If you use the
	debugging version of Python, it becomes possible to trace into 
	the part of Python written in C, which is occasionally useful.
	The procedure for using this feature is to recompile MP with
	the definition -DPy_DEBUG added to CFLAGS and then start your
	Python script with an Python interpreter binary that has the
	debugging support built in.  For the Debian Etch distribution,
	this requires installing the 'python-dbg' package which provides
	a debugging interpreter that is also called 'python-dbg'.

	New Mp.Record.open_hardware() and Mp.Record.close_hardware()
	methods have been added so that your Python script can invoke
	the underlying functions in libMx.  The fact that they were
	absent was merely an oversight.

**************** Changelog for MxTcl version 1.4.0 ****************
Version 1.4.0 (01/15/07):
	Updated Tcl package version to 1.4.

	Modified make_LibMxTcl_index so that it no longer uses the
	Bash 'x$PATH = x' trick for Cygwin and Win32 to determine whether
	or not the PATH variable already exists.  The trick fails if the
	PATH variable contains space characters, which are a common 
	occurrence on Cygwin and Win32 systems.

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