The following slides and posters about the MX control system were presented at the NOBUGS 2000 conference at Daresbury on June 12, 2000.
Most of these text slides were shown in my talk on MX.
These text posters were displayed in the poster session for MX.
The following screenshots were displayed both in the talk and in the poster session.
Poster 1 - IMCAGUI absorption scan.
Poster 2 - IMCAGUI Chooch output display.
Poster 3 - IMCAGUI periodic table.
Poster 4 - Optimization GUI.
Poster 5 - MXGUI motor control.
Poster 6 - MXGUI scaler control.
Poster 7 - MXGUI motor scan setup.
Poster 8 - MXGUI XAFS scan setup.
Last modified by on July 7, 2000.