MX User's Meeting - November 3, 2000
Bill Lavender
Jim Fait
- mxplot - designed to replace Gnuplot for scan displays
MX support for the Delta Tau PMAC
- Coordinate system driver for MX.
- Struck channel 1 can be used as a channel advance.
- Have the PMAC send channel advance to the Struck based on changes
in motor position.
- Increase the binning density (smaller bin width) as signal intensity
- Automatic setup. Quickly scan for the monochromator peak and slow
down as the intensity increases.
- The PMAC has 16k bytes of capture memory. This can be used by
quick scans.
- Write PMAC-based digital I/O and scaler drivers for MX.
- The PMAC supports interpolation of sinusoidal encoder signals.
x 256 and x 4096 interpolation add-on boards are available.
- Write MX interface drivers to support the PMAC via UMAC, USB, and
Firewire. A virtue of Firewire is the fact it uses fiber optics.
- Write a PMAC parameter save and restore program.
Other suggestions
- Unified save/restore program for PMAC variables, EPICS variables,
MX variables, etc.
- Unified GUI for database parameter modification and database construction.
- Use CVS to make a history of changes to the database.
- Encode record field defaults as strings and use the normal token
parsing routines.
- Add an enum field type.